Interracial Couples Therapy
Looking for interracial couples counseling in Overland Park, KS?
As a bi-racial or interracial couple, are you exhausted with struggling on your own to resolve racial or cultural issues that are creating continued conflict?
For help and hope that actually delivers
Challenges that are unique to interracial or intercultural couples may add layers of stress, tension, conflicts and isolation.
Interracial couples may be unprepared to cope with the elevated hurt, resentment, loneliness and the disconnect related to realities of racism. The conscious or unconscious behaviors that diminish, discriminate or exclude cultural or racial differences within families, in laws, local communities and society.
Are you feeling excluded or isolated in your partnership?
Are you struggling to understand your partner's needs, concerns or challenges around race or culture within work or social settings?
Are you unsuccessfully dealing with parenting, intimacy, or other issues related to cultural differences?
If “yes” and are ready to alleviate the pain and feel better, call now for your free consultation. Call (816) 805 0732
Restore and rebuild your interracial partnership
Interracial or biracial love, attraction, and desire is a beautiful bonds formed by two individuals across races as distinguished by physical and biological traits.
Together we can look at solutions for cross-cultural or intercultural couples coping with distinctive issues around ethnicity and cultural upbringing as well as physical and biological appearance. We can work through “racialized” backgrounds and experiences that definitely influence the types of problems that couples deal with.
Let me help with the challenges that are common in most couples like money management, communication, intimacy, and family/in-laws.
Are you currently in a committed long-term romantic interracial relationship or marriage?
Visualize yourself and your partner having new tools, new solutions, and the confidence to handle interracial or cultural issues while retaining the desire and attraction to one another.
Debra will guide you and your partner through every step of developing your own personalized relationship plan.

Committed love, attraction, and desire across color, race, and ethnic lines is visible and viable, without question.
Interracial love, attraction, and desire has never been more evident and sustainable than today in the entertainment media and in many communities.
For help, hope, and proven results, call for an appointment today. (816) 805-0732

Noted relationship guide Debra Neal helps interracial couples be better together, resolutely moving past their current and recurring problems towards a way of being together better, creating a lasting loving and winning partnership.
About Debra Neal
- Uses results tested resources, tools, and a web-based platform
- Leverages her extensive history helping interracial couples tackle common challenges, providing contemporary, user-friendly, and fast-track options
- Learns about your specific situation and tells you in your first phone conversation exactly how she can help